Yes, its already time to start thinking about Xmas. Especially when most of the gifts and goodies you've planned are handmade.
I'll be visiting my sister and her husband, and my nephews this weekend. We're going to have some Xmas Crafty Time, since I think its something that they really haven't gotten the chance to do much of in the past. I figured I'd whip up some patterns and we'd make some cute felt ornaments, as well as make them each an ornament with their name and birth year on it (sort of a tradition in our household).
Speaking of ornaments, I'm working on creating a line of ornaments to put out for sale both at the
Soundry, and online in my
Etsy shop. More on that later.
Besides ornaments, I'm diligently working on making and finishing crochet afghans for my parents. I just learned to crochet a few months back at the
Maker Faire in Brooklyn New York. I started work on an afghan for myself soon after, and decided it would be a great present for my parents. They are both older so its hard to pick presents for them, as they do not use any kind of gadgets (they still have a rotary dial phone line) and aren't very materialistic. They also don't like it when we buy them stuff, because they feel we shouldn't have to. But, super cozy afghans that I made, that I'm sure they will like.
In addition to all the Xmas projects I have in my crafty queue, I also have a couple of commissions on the horizon. A friend asked me if I'd be able to make a custom plush based off a made for tv horror movie for him to give to his gf. I just finished up the sketches this weekend. Also, some of my coworkers saw the plush girls I was dropping off at the
Soundry and asked about getting some custom ones made as presents for friends.
Looks like I'll need to stay organized and on task through the holidays!